Basic Doctrine

Bible Doctrines (DISC102)


This course is a tool for instructor-led discipleship groups using Bible Doctrines, by P. C. Nelson as the primary textbook. The book, Bible Doctrines, outlines key doctrines of the Christian faith in a simple format. This online portion of the class includes quizzes, tests, surveys, resources, and discussions to complement the text. Both in-person and virtual class meetings can be found on your calendar.

You can purchase Bible Doctrines by P. C. Nelson directly from Gospel Publishing House or from a retailer such as Amazon. Direct links to purchase online are found in the first section of the course. Your instructor may also have books for purchase.

  • Session 1: The Scriptures Inspired
  • Day 1
  • 1 Thesselonians 2:13
  • 2 Peter 1:21
  • How the Bible Helps Me
  • Child like faith
  • Quiz
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  • Day 2
  • Jesus gave the Old Testament His full Sanction
  • Quiz
  • Accomplishing the purpose
  • Let us pray
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  • Day 3
  • Day 3 - The Bible is Inspired by God
  • 2 Peter 1:1-21
  • Quiz
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  • Day 4
  • Day 4
  • By the Scriptures we posses eternal life!
  • Quiz
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  • Day 5
  • Day 5 - Do You know what Salvation means
  • Quiz
  • the Bible Reveals the only way of salvation
  • Time to Think
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  • Day 6
  • Day 6 - By Its Fruits we know the Book is Divine
  • Fruits of the Spirit
  • Quiz
  • You have completed week 1 of Bible Doctrines!
  • session completion.pdf (clone)
  • Session 2: The One True God
  • Day 1 - The One True God
  • survey_1697148914
  • Jesus Christ Is The Full And Final Revelation of God
  • Quiz
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  • Day 2 - God Disapproves of All False Ideologies
  • test_1698953961
  • You are who you worship
  • God is faithful He is all we need
  • session completion.pdf (clone)
  • Day 3: Jesus Christ is the full revelation of God
  • Lets think
  • Lets Read
  • Quiz
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  • Day 4 - Trinity Song
  • In What Ways Can We Honor The Holy Trinity>
  • How Does the Holy Trinity Influence Our Lives Everyday
  • session completion.pdf (clone)
  • Day 5 - Living in the Trinity
  • A relationship with Christ!
  • Quiz
  • Love everyone as you love yourself with the love of God
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  • Day 6 Knowing the Scripture
  • Jeremiah 31:34
  • Spiritual Rebirth
  • session completion.pdf (clone)
  • Section 3: The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Day 1 - The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
  • The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God
  • The Son of God
  • Quiz
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  • Day 2 - The only man without sin
  • The Scriptures Declare
  • Christ tempted and remained without sin
  • Quiz
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  • Day 3 - His Miracles
  • The Scriptures declare His miracles
  • The Great I Am
  • Quiz
  • survey_1698942179
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  • Day 4 - The Scriptures declare His substitutionary work on the cross
  • Quiz
  • Quiz
  • Leave it at the Cross
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  • Day 5 - It is finished
  • The Lord Jesus is the eternal Son of God
  • Quiz
  • Follow me to Galilee
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  • Day 6 - Scripture that explains the Trinity
  • Thank God for what He has done!
  • His exaltation to the right hand of God
  • Quiz
  • Its all about Jesus!
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  • SESSION 4: The Fall of Man
  • Day 1 - In the Beginning
  • Created In His Image
  • Quiz
  • The Book of Law
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  • Day 2
  • god created us in his image
  • In the beginning
  • Quiz
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  • Day 3 - Shalom
  • Quiz
  • God is Peace
  • session completion.pdf (clone) (clone)
  • Day 4 - Did God Really Say?
  • Quiz
  • Eve ate the fruit
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 5 - The Introduction of Sin
  • Todays Sin
  • Quiz
  • Why is it sometimes hard for us to trust that Gods way is best?
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  • Day 6 - Gods Redeeming Grace
  • Lets Rejoice on Gods Promises
  • Grace Abounds
  • Quiz
  • Grace as Power for Living
  • Grace as undeserved favor
  • Gods Grace empowers us to service
  • session completion.pdf (clone)
  • Session 5: The Salvation of Man
  • Day 1 - Take time to thank God for forgiveness with Praise and Worship
  • Salvation is from God
  • Quiz
  • The Covenant
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 2 Gods Promises
  • Obediently Follow
  • God will fulfill His Promise
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 3 - Salvation is from Christ alone
  • test_1699915819
  • Our Savior
  • Day 4 - Salvation Is for the Whole Man
  • Mathew 8:17
  • water-2.pdf
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  • Day 5 - Eternal Salvation
  • Jesus was tempted like we are
  • survey_1701025479
  • Let's see what the Bible says.
  • There's a way out of sin!
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 6 - Obedience of faith gives results - you don't have to keep sinning
  • What does the Bible say?
  • Blue Fear Bible Verse Instagram Post.mp4
  • Prayer of Repentance
  • session completion.pdf
  • Session 6: The Ordinances of the Church
  • Day 1 - Be baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
  • What is the Significance, or Symbolism, of Baptism
  • survey_1701030991
  • Am I qualified to be Baptized?
  • Believers, and Believers only are to be baptized:
  • test_1701032039
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 2 - Holy Communion
  • What is Holy Communion
  • Quiz
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 3 - We are instructed to search our hearts diligently
  • Be Born Again
  • Quiz
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  • Day 4 - Our Lord commanded His disciples to observe it
  • Quiz
  • The Holy Supper looks forward to Christ's Return!
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 5 - The Lords Super Is a Healing Ordinance
  • The First Lords Supper
  • The Upper Room
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 6 - Communion is a Uniting Ordinance
  • "The Cup" is a symbol of the New Covenant
  • Communion Symbolizes the Bread of Life
  • Communion is a Celebration!
  • session completion.pdf
  • Session 7:The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • Day 1 - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  • Quiz
  • Acts 1:4-8
  • John 7:37
  • The End of Day 1
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 2 - The Holy Spirit Gives Life
  • Quiz
  • The Holy Spirit is the giver of Life
  • The Holy Spirit has made us Free
  • Eternal Redemption
  • Quiz
  • Day 3 - Jesus Is the Baptizer in The Holy Spirit
  • survey_1703106784
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  • Day 4: What Should We Do?
  • Quiz
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 5 - We are sealed in Christ
  • The Seal of Christ
  • Thank God for His Seal
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 6 - With the Baptism Comes Power For Service
  • test_1703109284
  • With Baptism of the Spirit Gifts of the Spirit are bestowed
  • Quiz
  • Be filled with the Holy Spirit become a disciple of Christ!
  • Session 8: The Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • Day 1 - Be Baptized In the Holy Spirit
  • The Evidence of the Holy Spirit
  • Quiz
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 2: Man received the Holy Spirt in evidence in of speaking in Tongues
  • test_1713302123
  • Session 9: Sanctification
  • Day 1: Sanctification
  • Quiz
  • Sin Shall Not Have Dominion Over You
  • Self Reflection
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 2: Sanctification Has a Two Fold Meaning
  • Separation from evil Quiz
  • Devotion to God Quiz
  • Devotion to God
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 3: Sanctification Is Instataneous Work
  • Sanctification Is Instataneous Work
  • Quiz
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 4: Sanctification is Progressive Work
  • Quiz
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  • Day 5: Secured Sanctifications
  • Quiz
  • session completion.pdf
  • Day 6: God Has Provided Entire Sanctification
  • Quiz
  • Session 10: The Church and Its Mission
  • Day 1: The church and its mission
  • Quiz
  • session completion.pdf
  • Session 11: The Ministry
  • Session 12: Divine Healing
  • Session 13: The Blessed Hope
  • Session 14: TheMillennial Reign of Christ
  • Session 15: The Final judgement
  • The New Heavens and The New Earth
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever